Laser Therapy

If your pet is feeling pain, has inflammation, or a wound, laser procedures are a sterile, pain-free, surgery-free, drug-free treatment. The laser is used to treat a variety of injuries, wounds, fractures, neurological conditions, numerous dermatological problems, and pain.

Whether your pet is rehabilitating from trauma or injury, healing from wounds, or simply aging, laser procedures have been shown to provide relief and speed healing.


Knox is a rescued Basset/Rottweiler mix. While we are unsure of exactly what happened (possibly an embolism or stroke), Knox was rendered blind and unable to walk. Through use of conventional medicine, he has been gradually improving, and is able to get around with his doggy wheelchair. His owners have been very cooperative and patient, and were willing to do whatever he needed to get back to being himself.

After talking to the doctor about his options, his owners decided to try K-Laser laser therapy treatment. While results will vary, his new mom is thrilled with Knox’s progress:

Knox“Knox just went in for his second laser therapy treatment on Monday. His first one was two weeks prior. I go into a lot of things with skepticism on whether it will work or not. After his first treatment, we got home and he was walking around WAY more, than he had been, in his wheelchair. Please note: that he was NOT moving his hind legs while walking in his wheelchair.

Immediately, and I’m not exaggerating, after that very first treatment he was using his back legs while walking in his wheelchair. He was still knuckling his hind feet, but he was moving his legs! I could not believe it! He was walking all around the backyard acting happier, seemed to have felt better and was back to his old self. Just being a dog! As of Monday he is still knuckling, but he will lift his left hind leg, while he’s walking without his wheelchair, as if he’s hiking and then sets that leg down with his foot in the correct position. Yes – he’s walking without his wheelchair! His right hind foot is still knuckling, but I have hope after seeing the progress that I’m seeing in his left foot. I am so proud of him and I couldn’t be happier with the results from the laser therapy! We’ll be back again in two weeks for another!”